Board of Advisors
The LCNO Board of Advisors is made up of members with 5 officer positions. The Board is elected each year at the LCNO annual meeting, typically held in March. Each member volunteers his/her time to further the organization and engage with One-PS and other PS Neighborhood Orgs. The Chair and the Vice Chair participate in the monthly One-PS meetings and the Board generally meets monthly. To contact us, email [email protected].
The Board of Advisors
Jack McLean- Chair
Don Elder- Treasurer
Lucas Coe - Secretary
Sherman Tam- Communications
Michael Kuluva-- LCNO merchandise and branding
Kiza Hilton-- Blade sign repair
Lew Boxer-- Sonora/Farrell intersection and traffic/pedestrian safety
Elizabeth Velazquez- Advisor
Michael Taylor- Advisor
Jack McLean- Chair
Don Elder- Treasurer
Lucas Coe - Secretary
Sherman Tam- Communications
Michael Kuluva-- LCNO merchandise and branding
Kiza Hilton-- Blade sign repair
Lew Boxer-- Sonora/Farrell intersection and traffic/pedestrian safety
Elizabeth Velazquez- Advisor
Michael Taylor- Advisor